Language Learning in Brazil

My passion for travelling and my interest in learning yet another language took me to Rio de Janeiro, the legendary metropolis on the Atlantic coast of Brazil.

Renata Green in Rio de Janeiro while learning the Portuguese language in Brazil.
This is what Bildungsurlaub stands for: Getting inspired by seeing things from a new perspective!
Here at Rio’s Jardim Botanico, a beautiful, serene oasis not far from the beach of Ipanema. 
There is not only an eclectic mix of untamed nature growing next to manicured lawns and flowerbeds, decorated with old, weathered statues and fountains. There is also an exhibition of modern art taking place. 
My favorite piece is an installation by Gustavo Prado called “Caminho Inverso”/”Reversed Path”. It consists of about thirty mirrors facing the top of the palm tree alley which shows you the plants from many, many….different perspectives!
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Welcome, World! Come In And Join Me In My Italian Online Course at the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

Twice a week, I’m participating in an Italian online course at the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci via Zoom – and welcoming classmates from all over the world to my humble living room.

Woman behind a laptop promoting learning online
Approaching my goal of being fluent in ten languages before kicking the bucket.
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