Take a Break: The Three Best Beaches You Can Easily Visit From VENICE

There’s no question about it: Venice is absolutely magical. Strolling between the canals and over countless bridges. Losing yourself between majestic palazzi and gazing dreamily after the gondolas.
However, despite its ancient charm, Venice keeps you on your toes, and a visit can also get quite stressful. The masses of tourists, the queues, the pushing and the shoving at the jetties. In the summer there is also the heat.
Therefore, if you have the chance, it’s definitely worth adding one or two days extra to spend on one of the beaches off the Veneto shores.
Let me assure you: Pampering yourself with a day full of dolce far niente, hence, sweet idleness, will recharge your batteries and get you fit so that you can joyfully plunge back into the hustle and bustle of Venice.
Don’t know where to spread out your beach towel?
No problem: In this post, I’ll introduce you to the three best beaches that you can reach quickly and easily by public bus or the iconic water bus Vaporetto from Venice.

The Diga Faro Alberoni on the Lido di Venezia.
Taking a refreshing dip at the Lido di Venezia.
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VENICE on a Budget: When to Go, Where to Stay, What to Eat, And Much More

Venice on a budget? Is that even possible?
Agreed, visiting Venice can be pretty pricey.
After all, you find yourself at one of the world’s most unique places – and it comes with a price tag.

Italy Venice Canale Grande
Every visitor to Venice will know this sight: The Chiesa di San Simeon Piccolo across from the main train station Venezia Santa Lucia, photographed from the Ponte degli Scalzi.

However, if you follow my simple hacks, visiting Venice on a budget is easy and still very enjoyable.

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How to Visit the Biennale di Arte in Venice in 2024

The Biennale di Arte, one of the world’s most important art events, takes place every two years. Although Venice is certainly a place worth visiting even when nothing special is on, my post on how to visit the city during the Biennale 2024 will make your trip even more memorable.

Facade of the central pavilion at the Giardini during the 60th edition of the Biennale di Venezia in Venice in 2024.
The Huni Kuin Artists Movement, or MAHKU in short, was founded in the Brazilian Kaxinawá Huni Kuin Indigenous Territory in 2013. MAHKU designed the facade of the central pavilion of the Giardini venue with the legend of the Kapewë Pukeni alligator bridge.
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Day Trip to the LIDO di VENEZIA. Breaking Away from Venice

Venice is magic, without a doubt: The canals, the bridges, the palazzi, the gondolas – I could go on and on. Nevertheless, a visit to Venice can also be very stressful: The tourist masses, the pushing, the shoving, the lines, the heat. Therefore, especially if you are in Venice for more than just two or three days, you should treat yourself to a day trip to the beaches of the Lido di Venezia.

View of the Lido di Venezia on a day trip from Venice
Ciao, Lido, here I come. A day trip to the beaches of the Lido di Venezia is a well-deserved break for every culture vulture.

Break away from Venice and hop on the vaporatto that rushes you to the Lido di Venezia in about half an hour’s time. Here, you’ll enter a world of serenity and the flair of a Mediterranean beach resort.

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TORCELLO – a church, a bridge, and 15 residents

If you are going on a day trip to Burano, the colorful gem in the Venetian lagoon, you should definitely spare an hour or two to cross the 150 meters to the island of Torcello. Here, a church, a bridge, and 15 permanent residents are awaiting you.

Chiesa di Santa Fosca on the island of Torcello where you can visit a church and a bridge
Chiesa di Santa Fosca on the island of Torcello.

While the islands Murano and Burano are beautiful yet still not that very different from the main island, the so-called Centro Storico, Torcello is a whole different world with very few landmarks surrounded by meadows and fields.

Enjoy the silence.

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A Day on MURANO: It’s a Crystalline World

Visiting Venice, you absolutely have to venture out on a day trip to discover the Crystalline World of Murano, located in the dreamy Venetian lagoon.

The Vetreria Ducale, adorned by a sign of Guerrieri pottery, and to the left the Ferro & Lazzarini glass factory. Murano Crystalline World
Some of the best places to shop for glass on Murano island: The Vetreria Ducale, adorned by a sign of Guerrieri pottery, and to the left the Ferro & Lazzarini glass factory.

Most visitors to Venice stay and explore only the Centro Storico, the historic center. However, there is a total of 120 islands in the lagoon of which only 11 are permanently inhabited. Of those islands, Murano is the third largest one – after the Centro Storico, obviously, as well as the Lido di Venezia. As a matter of fact, Murano consists of seven small islands divided by eight channels and connected by bridges.

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50 Most Beautiful Palaces in Venice

On its barely 415 square kilometers, there are about 200 magnificent palaces at the Centro Storico of Venice. In this post, I’m navigating you to the 50 most beautiful ones.

Canale Grande in Venice lined with Palaces
The mighty Canale Grande is lined with nothing but mesmerizing palazzi.
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How to Visit the Biennale di Arte in Venice in 2022

After having been on a travel diet for over two years, you cannot imagine how thrilled I am that life is getting back to some kind of normal. Not only can I easily travel to Venice – I was even able to visit the mega art event Biennale di Arte in 2022.

How to visit Biennale Venice 2022: Entrance to the main venue Giardini.
Who’s Exploiting Who in the Deep Sea? is the title of the exhibition of funny creatures created by the German conceptual artist Cosima von Bonin. While a rock band made of fish plays on the roof of the main pavilion, two seashells are rocking on a swing and a crab has made itself comfortable in a cement mixer. So, have fun at the 59th Biennial!

Wanna enjoy it, too? In this post, I show you how. So put on your most comfortable shoes and follow my lead.

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How to Visit the Biennale di Arte in Venice 2019

While Venice is a place worth visiting even when nothing special is on, here is how to visit the city during the Biennale di Arte, one of the world’s most important art events, in 2019.

biennale di arte Venice 2019: Ponte Papadopoli advertising for 2019's mega-event.
Ponte Papadopoli advertising for 2019’s mega-event.

However, the Biennials add some contemporary suspense and glamour to all the shiny renaissance the Doges left behind, and this summer, the 58th Biennale di Arte is on.

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