Comprehensive Guide to FLORENCE – Home of the Medici, Cradle of the Renaissance

Let me guide you to Florence, the city that was home to the Medici Family and the cradle of the Italian Renaissance.

Looking up Giotto's Campanile, the free-standing tower right next to the Cathedral in FLORENCE - Home of the Medici, Cradle of the Renaissance
Looking up Giotto’s Campanile, the free-standing tower right next to the Cathedral.

To this date, there are so many art treasures that Florence deems rather an Open-Air-Museum than a North Italian city with ordinary people and everyday life.

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Back to School: Italian Classes at the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

Taking Italian Classes at the Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is a quite distinctive experience. Whereby, I find that taking a language class in another country is a very special experience at any time and a grand opportunity for everyone.

The Fountain of the Books in Rome
Quenching the thirst for knowledge at the Fountain of the Books.

Not only can you practice what you have learned right on the spot – which will hopefully be an encouraging encounter. It also grants you the opportunity to experience life from a whole different perspective.

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