Yes, Mallorca does have beautiful beaches, but since the hinterland is not to be missed, follow my footsteps on some of the best – and at the same time very easy – hikes.

a travel blog by renata green
Yes, Mallorca does have beautiful beaches, but since the hinterland is not to be missed, follow my footsteps on some of the best – and at the same time very easy – hikes.
A circular hiking trail that starts and ends at Puigpunyent, a picturesque village located about 16 kilometers west of the island’s capital Palma, is one of Mallorca’s most intriguing yet easiest hikes.
In some aspects, I’m kind of a traditionalist. For instance, I do like the idea of a classic Sunday outing to the countryside. Wandering through beautiful sceneries, whistling a joyous tune, having a cheerful dialogue with birds and beasts.
Yes, you basically do find all that around Puigpunyent, but before I get carried away by my own cheesiness, let me introduce the real thing – which is charming enough even without my sugarcoating.
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