location location location – my adventurous accommodation choices

Location location location: This is a roundup of some of my adventurous accommodation choices. I’ve actually made them in search of the best price-performance ratio.

Road lined with trees, illustrating a location for adventurous accommodation
On the road in the Deep South of the USA.

After all, who doesn’t want to stay at a nice, comfortable hotel at an exceptionally low price?
I do!
However, very often, these accommodations are located in – euphemistically speaking – remote locations. The Spanish call it en el culo del diablo – in the devil’s butt.

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a huge travel mishap – or: my claim to be a rock star

Rock stars are known for throwing large appliances out of the window. Well, although I never claimed to be a rock star, a little mishap that happened to me in New York qualified for being one.

A couple of aircons illustrating the post on my claim to be a rock star which deals with a huge travel mishap
This is not what the air conditioner looked like after my little mishap.
(Photo: Ildar Sagdejev (Specious), 2008-07-11 Air conditioners at UNC-CH, CC BY-SA 4.0)
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take the U-train – how tina uebel travelled the landroute from hamburg to shanghai by herself

Ms Tina Uebel is telling her absolutely fascinating story about how she travelled from Hamburg on Germany’s West coast to Shanghai on China’s East coast. Yes, there are probably hundreds of people doing this every day. But do they do it by train? I don’t think so!

Women in Turkmenistan, a country Tina Uebel crossed on her way from Hamburg to Shanghai
Sweet encounters in Turkmenistan – proverbial and literally.
This Central Asian state was Tina’s fourth country on her route from Hamburg to Shanghai.
(Photo: David Stanley, www.flickr.com/people/davidstanleytravel/)

Also, we are not talking about the touristy, comfy Transsiberian here, the Titanic of trains. No, Tina Uebel took the ordinary trains – in total 19 of them! It took her seven weeks from Hamburg across Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia – in total eight countries! – all the way to Shanghai.

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