Picturesque villages, exceptional beaches, enchanting gorges below rugged mountains – in this guide, I’m sharing with you the best things to do and the nicest places to see in Crete in one week.
The waters, the mountains, the rich history – Crete has it all in abundance.
So pack your swimsuit as well as your hiking boots and follow me to Greece’s largest and arguably most amazing island.
The glorious city of Chania is located rather in the west of the island of Crete and unites all the best features every visitor is looking for: There is the everchanging history that’s reflected in magnificent structures from different epochs and cultures and showcased in grand museums. There is the joy of life that you feel even in the smallest alley, that you taste in Crete’s delicious cuisine and enjoy with every sip of Retsina’n’Raki. However, one of the best features of Chania are the beautiful beaches which are just a short walk away from the city center.
View of the famous Venetian harbor of Chania.
Hence, if you are looking for the perfect base to explore’n’enjoy the island of Crete, look no further, you’ve found it in Chania.
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