Guide to HAMBURG, the self-proclaimed Gateway to the World

Let me guide you through Hamburg, Germany’s second-largest city and self-proclaimed Gateway to the World. Personally, I took the slogan of my hometown very literally and became a globetrotter and travel blogger. Hamburg’s maritime charm and traditional cosmopolitanism will delight you and you will be enchanted by seductive views that will whet your appetite for undiscovered shores. Germans call this wanderlust Fernweh – loosely translated to aching for distance.

Sailors at the Port of Hamburg
For ages, sailors from all over the world anchored at the Port of Hamburg.

Welcome to Hamburg

Hamburg is a so-called Free and Hanseatic City. Hence, it always has been self-governed and independent from the federal structures of its surroundings. As a matter of fact, already from the 12th century, the city had been a member of the Hanse League. This league, however, was a federation of almost 200 trade cities – kind of a very early European Union. I’ve introduced this fascinating association in my post on its ‘Queen‘, the city of Lübeck.

Port of Hamburg
Although the Port of Hamburg is an industrial site, there are many enjoyable suits like promenades….

To this day, Hamburg has a special position among German cities. While Germany is divided into 16 Federal States, Hamburg is not only a city, but also one of these States. Hamburg shares this status with two other cities, namely Berlin and the relatively small city of Bremen.

Having always been a center of commerce and trade, until now Hamburg ranges among the wealthiest cities in Germany. But the Hanseatic Hamburgers enjoy a certain understatement and usually don’t flash their cash.

Beach Club in Hamburg
…and all the cool beach clubs along the river Elbe. The city’s best hangout spots.

Sounds unique? Because it is! And the following roundup will prove that there is much more to explore and experience than you’ve ever imagined.

By the Waters

Europe’s third-largest industrial harbor – after Rotterdam and Antwerp – is in Hamburg. Since it’s the port that made Hamburg the wealthy yet worldly metropolis that it is today and even partly shaped its geography, a visit to the city’s core should start right here.


The Landungsbrücken, the gangplanks, are centrally located at the most scenic part of the harbor. On one of the towers not only a clock, but also a flood marker indicating the river Elbe’s water level.

Iconic View of the harbor of Hamburg and the St. Pauli Landungsbrücken illustrating a Comprehensive Guide to Hamburg
Most iconic View of the harbor of Hamburg and the St. Pauli Landungsbrücken.

There is an underground – U-Bahn – as well as S-Bahn-stop here. Just cross the bridge towards the water.

Strolling up and down the gangway on the waterline, you enjoy the best views. obviously. You can shop some – quite tacky – Hamburg souvenirs or sample a ‘Fischbrötchen‘, a fish sandwich. However, there are some great activities like a harbor tour or the visit of one of two historic vessels. We’ll get to that, just keep on reading.

Alter Elbtunnel

One of the coolest things to do at the harbor is clearly below the waters. The Old Elbtunnel was built in 1911. For the longest time, it was the only way to cross the river. Apart from the ferries, of course.

The quirky Hamburg Elbtunnel illustrating a Comprehensive Guide to Hamburg
Since there is such a cool place with lots of space, why not use it for various events, right?! Therefore sometimes there are even exhibitions taking place 24 meters below.

To get down to the tunnel which is 24 meters below street level, you can climb down some stairs or take an elevator.

Elevator to the quirky Hamburg Elbtunnel illustrating a Comprehensive Guide to Hamburg
“Hold the doors for me!” A cyclist rushing to the old wooden elevator.

Pedestrians and cyclists can cross the 426-meter-long tunnel for free and around the clock. The tunnel has been a historic landmark since 2003. For this reason, the Old Elbtunnel has also been closed to cars.

View of the harbor of Hamburg
Seen from the other side.

From Steinwerder on the southern bank of the river Elbe, you enjoy one of the best views of Hamburg’s most iconic skyline.


The Fischmarkt translates to fish market – which, by the way, is a fine example of the similarity between German and English. Now that you’ve learned this fact, please also note that it is one of Hamburg’s most quirky traditions and not to be missed.

In fact, every Sunday morning, locals and tourists, nighthawks and early birds alike meet for shopping and snacking at the huge market around the Fischauktionshalle, the former fish auction hall. Here, they stock up on veggies and fruits, bread and cheese; oh, and on fish, obviously.

You can get a hearty breakfast snack like a fish sandwich or enjoy a free jazz concert inside the auction hall.

The former fish auction hall is the central point of Sunday's fish market where the nighthawks mix with the early birds.
The former fish auction hall is the central point of Sunday’s fish market where the nighthawks mix with the early birds.

The market takes place every Sunday from March 15 to November 14 from 5 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. and from November 15 to March 14 from 7 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.

Street Art on the Water

If you keep walking from the old fish auction hall outbound, you’ll get to the former industrial part. Here are still some of the cold stores, but mostly some trendy small shops and rather costly, industrial-chic restaurants.

However, it’s absolutely worth the walk on those uncomfortable yet picturesque cobblestones.

Street Art in Hamburg
Women harvesting coffee, tobacco, and bananas – designed by Cecilia Herrero, Janet Pavone, and Hildegund Schuster in 1994 and restored in 2009. It can be found on the east wall of the building on Große Elbstraße 164.

Further west along the river Elbe, the streets are lined with fishmongers where you can purchase the freshest catch. Or you enjoy it right there at some small’n’simple but excellent eateries.

While for many years, this place has been an El Dorado for foodies, it is great for street art aficionados, too.

Hamburg does not have many of these artful larger-than-life murals that they have in many other cities like Berlin, Bogotá, or Valencia. The scene is rather politically inspired. You can read more about urban art in Hamburg in my post Best Street Art in HAMBURG.

However, the feminist art project FrauenFreiluftGalerie, a women’s open-air gallery, around Hildegard Schuster has in several places around Hamburg paid tribute to working (class) women.

There is a particularly high density of impressive murals in this part of the Große Elbstraße.

Elbphilharmonie and HafenCity

The next and newest building on the harbor front is the controversial Elbphilharmonie, the Elbe opera house, which opened in January 2017.

For 9 years, the building of Hamburg’s prestige project was the talk of the town. However, not in a good way. Neither because it was designed by Swiss star architects Herzog and de Meuron – readers of my blog know for instance from this post that I love this creative team a lot.

Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg
There she is – the Elbphilhamonie in all her 866 million €uro splendor- even against an elegantly deep-gray sky.

No, it’s infamous for an incredible miscalculation: Instead of the budgeted 241,3 million €uro and an opening in 2010, at the opening in 2017, the amount had added up to 866 million €uro.

This tells you a little bit about the indeed flattering prejudice of German correctness and efficiency.

View of the harbor of Hamburg from the Elbphilharmonie Opera House
The harbor at your feet.

But now it’s done and everybody is all happy and proud – so please pay at least the so-called Plaza a visit and enjoy the view of this harbor like from the bridge of a ship.

Since the building houses also a hotel – see the lodging section at the end of this post – as well as two restaurants. Those are on the 5th and 8th floors. On the 6th floor are a beer bar and souvenir shop.

Europe’s Largest Inner-City Development Project

Right behind the building begins the HafenCity, which is Hamburg’s newly built neighborhood. This terrain used to be the container port that was more and more abandoned.

Today the HafenCity is Europe’s largest inner-city development project. It’s expected to be completed in 2025 and will then have increased the city center by 40 percent. It will offer more than 6,000 flats to about 14,000 inhabitants and jobs for up to 45,000 people.

There is a brand new campus welcoming students from all over the world and the publishing house Der Spiegel and the Dutch-British company Unilever have also already moved their businesses there.

Completed by spacious squares and places, slowly but surely it’s finally losing its antiseptic ghost town atmosphere.

To learn more about this mega-project, I suggest you visit the exhibition at the Kesselhaus. There you can also join a guided tour.

InfoCenter im Kesselhaus
Am Sandtorkai 30
20457 Hamburg
Phone: + 49 – 40 – 36 90 17 99

Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (free entrance)


Being at the Kesselhaus, you find yourself already in the middle of the Speicherstadt, hence, the harbor’s old storage house district. Since 2015, it’s been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Speicherstadt Hamburg - a highlight of every Guide to Hamburg
View of the Speicherstadt, UNESCO World Heritage since 2015.

In these rows of beautiful brick houses, the Hamburger merchants used to store coffee, tea, carpets, and all the other goods and treasures coming obviously in through the harbor.

Today, however, the ancient structures house hip agencies and a range of unusual exhibitions:

First of all, there is the…


At this warehouse museum, housed in original structures from 1888, especially kids enjoy the hands-on exhibitions dealing with different aspects of how the quartermasters in charge used to store, examine, and improve imported goods such as coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and much more.

Am Sandtorkai 36
20457 Hamburg

Opening hours from March to November are Monday to Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.,
December to February Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


To get more detailed information on the storage and handling of spices as well as learn about their benefits, the Gewürzmuseum, the museum of spices, is the place for you – especially if you are travelling with kids:

Spicy’s Gewürzmuseum
Am Sandtorkai 34
20457 Hamburg

Open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Close your eyes – do you feel like being in Colombia or Brazil? If so, you’ve probably found the Kaffeemuseum-Burg, a place all about coffee.

You can visit an interesting exhibition, join educational seminars on everything coffee-related, and, of course, enjoy all the treats at their cozy café.

A nice place to stop, a good place to shop.

St. Annenufer 2
20457 Hamburg

Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
English guided tours only on Sunday at 1 p.m.


The Hafenmuseum, Hamburg’s Harbor Museum that opened only in 2005, is a branch of the Museum of the History of Hamburg. Obviously, it deals with all the shipping-related topics that were – and are – relevant in an industrial port.

It’s idyllically located in the heart of the HafenCity.

Unfortunately, they are taking winter breaks, which makes sense insofar, that the exhibition doesn’t take place only inside. On the premises is also all sorts of heavy machinery to be admired, which is mostly still functioning.

Check out their website if they are open so you don’t go there in vain.

Kopfbau des Schuppens 50A
20457 Hamburg

Open from April 1, 2019: Sunday to Monday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (weekends to 6 p.m.)

Miniatur Wunderland

I don’t think that you’ll get bored just because you cannot visit the Hafenmuseum before April: One of Hamburg’s most visited attractions is the Miniatur Wunderland – and that’s open year-round.

This miniature wonderland is the world’s largest model railroad layout, hence you’ll find places and attractions from all over the world, set up not only in a very precise and artistic way, but very often with a twinkle in the eye.

The Miniaturwunderland and the Dungeon are conveniently housed in the same building in the Speicherstadt in the Harbor of Hamburg
The Miniaturwunderland and the Dungeon are conveniently housed in the same building.

The brothers Frederik and Gerrit Brown have been building the wonderland on 1.490 square meters / over 16,000 square feet since 2000 – and they still keep on building: Visiting the open workshop is one of the greatest things to do.

Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg 
Kehrwieder 2, Block D
20457 Hamburg

The exhibition is open year-round. Nevertheless, an online reservation is highly recommended! It’s fun to look around on their website, anyway, since there are already many pictures from the magnificent installation.

Hamburg Dungeon

Another must-see is supposedly the Hamburg Dungeon. I personally am not so much the theme park-dungeon-type, but it’s based on true events in Hamburg’s sinister past so it might bring history alive in a fun yet scary way.

Störtebeker-statue in front of the Maritim Museum.
Störtebeker statue in front of the Maritim Museum.

Also, one of the themes at the dungeon is infamous buccaneer Klaus Störtebeker who lived in the late 14th century. He was beheaded in Hamburg. Actually, there is a statue of Störtebeker marking the very spot where an executioner chopped off his head.

Holding the Head Up High

According to one of the many legends of his persona, the burgomaster of Hamburg promised Störtebeker to set all of his men free so the buccaneer would be able to pass by after having been beheaded.

Störtebeker-statue in front of the Maritim Museum.
They really should give this famous buccaneer a good dusting. Störtebeker statue in front of the Maritim Museum.

Brave Störtebeker made it past eleven men – then the headsman threw the executioner’s block at his feet.

Therefore, after the pirate stumbled and fell, the burgomaster ordered to behead all 73 pirates.

In conclusion, that’s how much you can trust a politician’s word.

Hamburg Dungeon
Kehrwieder 2
20457 Hamburg
Ticket-Hotline : + 49 – (0) 1806 – 666 901 40

Open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (July and August 6 p. m.)
English tour on Friday, Sunday, and on public holidays at 10 a.m.

Also, just like at the Miniatur Wunderland, pre-booking online is highly recommended.

Well, whether Störtebeker’s story is true or someone simply a nicely spun yarn – in Hamburg, it’s all about waters and seafaring and no stay would be complete without having been…

On the Waters

There are many different boat and ferry rides to choose from, nonetheless, a trip through the harbor is the most popular one.

Hafenrundfahrt: Harbor Cruise

Just go back to the Landungsbrücken and you’ll run into gentlemen announcing loudly the next trip.

I personally do not like it that much since seeing the industrial harbor from close isn’t that alluring. Therefore, I prefer to walk the Speicherstadt.

Cruise ships at Hamburg Harbor
There are various kinds of vessels to take you across the harbor.

But being a visitor – especially if you’re from a place where there is no harbor – you might enjoy it. There are different companies offering tours of one or two hours as well as a one-hour night cruise beginning at six.

Ferry 62

A much cooler way to navigate along the river Elbe is taking ferry #62. This is actually the way locals cross since it is part of the regular public transportation system.

Therefore, you might want to avoid the rush hours in the morning and in the late afternoon.

For the price of a standard ticket, the ferry takes you along all the sights like the harbor, obviously, the Fischmarkt, the new and modern Docklands, the Museum Harbor with the old ships and boats, the yacht harbor at Teufelsbrück, the Airbus plant all the way to the former fishermen village Finkenwerder.

The shore of Finkenwerder across the river Elbe in Hamburg
The shores of Finkenwerder – Ferry 62’s final stop.

Today, it’s a rather boring middle-class residential neighborhood, so don’t bother to get off. Just stay on board since, after a couple of minutes, the ferry goes back to Landungsbrücken and will take you right where you’ve started from.

Woman checking the timetable of ferry 62 in Hamburg
The ferry crosses the river Elbe about every twenty minutes – it’s a regular means of transportation, after all.

If you like, you can make this trip, of course, a hop-on-hop-off tour and visit the sights you please along the way.

Happy Anniversary!

Note: Every year on the weekend around May 7, the harbor anniversary is celebrated with a big parade of different historical ships. Which is nice – and a huge funfair along the Landungsbrücken – not very different from any other funfair. For me personally, the horror since I’m really not a funfair person.

Nonetheless, there are many visitors coming to Hamburg just for this event, so if you are into this sort of fun, you will absolutely love it.

Fleetfahrt: Canal Tour

The so-called Fleete are waterways built in the past to get the goods from the harbor into the city.

Since this commercial purpose nowadays is obsolete, most of these canals were filled. However, those that remain and give the city center a romantic twist, can be explored on a highly interesting cruise where you learn much about Hamburg’s glorious past as a merchant city.

You can join the two-hour cruise at the Jungfernstieg jetty at Lake Alster

Anleger Jungfernstieg
20354 Hamburg

The waterways cruises are taking place daily from March 30 to October 28 at 10.45 a.m., 1.45 p.m., and 4.45 p.m.

Alsterrundfahrt: Alster Lake Trip

The river Elbe is not the only water supplying Hamburg with the most stunning views: The Alster lake – divided into the parts, the inner and the outer Alster – is another place where you can do the most amazing things by and on the water.

Alster Lake in the Center of Hamburg
Have a great time and a clear conscience by cruising Lake Alster on a solar power ship.

Since the Alster is also a river, it runs 56 kilometers from Henstedt-Ulzburg in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein south towards the river Elbe.

Therefore, boat trips are not only possible on the lake, albeit these are the most popular ones, but there are other options to choose from. All this is listed on their website.

It’s the same company that organizes the waterways tours, so check the details above.

The Alster cruises are daily taking place from March 30 to October 7 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every 30 minutes and from October 7 to 28 at 10 a.m., then from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every 30 minutes and a last one at 5 p. m.

Hamburg is a Beach

If you’ve taken the ferry to Finkenwerder as I suggested above, you’ve probably noticed the beach in front of the posh villas to your right.

It’s not the world’s greatest beach, I give you that, but going on a walk along the river watching the big freight ships passing by to Rio, Hong Kong, and Shanghai….*sigh*, no wonder I became such a globetrotter.

Albeit, if you really want to hit nice beaches, you have to go to the Baltic Sea like the island of Fehmarn. Normally, it takes less than two hours.

Beach Baskets on the Beach of Cuxhaven
Beach of Cuxhaven with the iconic Strandkörbe, the beach wicker chairs. These are a fantastic invention, especially for this region where the wind can be quite strong. However, I think they would make perfect beach shelters everywhere in the world and have been asking myself why no other nation is importing them.

The Northern Sea is rougher, more picturesque, and has tides, but to get there from Hamburg takes two to three hours.

Cuxhaven: An Extra Tour

Very special: off the shore at Cuxhaven is Neuwerk, an island politically belonging to Hamburg – despite the fact that it’s 140 kilometers away. However, the island is tiny. You can walk around the 3 square kilometers in about one hour  – and maybe you’ll run into one of the 40 inhabitants. Also, it’s very serene since private cars are not allowed.

Crossing the mudflat from Cuxhaven to the Neuwerk island.
Crossing the mudflat from Cuxhaven to the Neuwerk island.

When the tide is low, you can cross there walking. However, you should always do this in a guided group since venturing by yourself might be extremely dangerous as the water comes back really quickly. As a matter of fact, that’s the reason why you can always walk only one way and on the way back you need to take a boat.

However, if you are interested in this really very special tour, you can get all the relevant information online. A regional train takes you from downtown Hamburg to Cuxhaven in less than two hours, so if you are halfway organized, you can do it easily as a day trip.

Read about this amazing adventure in this post.

The season goes from April to October.

For more ideas of where to go on a day trip or weekend, also check my post on Island Hopping in Germany.

Along the beach from Altona to Nienstedten

But now back to the beach in Hamburg: If you walk it from its beginning in Altona all the way west, you get to the posh part, the rich neighborhood of Blankenese.

The beach on the river Elbe at Övelgönne in Hamburg.
The beach on the river Elbe at Övelgönne.

Yes, it’s a long walk of about 8 kilometers, but it’s very scenic: No traffic, just the beach and then trails in some greenery. But yes, it takes about 1.5 to 2 hours.

King of the Hill

Now just climb up the old, narrow alleys of the Treppenviertel, the stairs quarter. Consequently, you’ll immediately realize where this picturesque part of Hamburg has its name from.

Previously, it used to be a fishermen’s village and most part of the cute old houses can be reached exclusively over the about 5,000 steps leading you up and down. When the sky is clear and you can see all the way to the Elbe’s south shore, the Treppenviertel has a bit of Mediterranean flair to it.

Süllberg quarter on the outskirts of Hamburg.
To this day the Treppenviertel has a village atmosphere to it.

Once uphill, try to catch your breath, enjoy the view of the peaceful river rolling towards the northern sea – and then turn east and walk about 1.5 kilometers down the Elbchaussee to the Hirschpark, since now we are getting to another great asset Hamburg has to offer, the…

Parks, Gardens, and Woods

Everybody will notice that Hamburg is an extremely green city. Most streets are tree-lined, and there are little parks and meadows in every neighborhood. As a matter of fact, 71 percent of the city’s area has some sort of vegetation to it. Therefore, I point out only the city’s biggest green patches which are


The Hirschpark, the deer park, is as I mentioned above, located in Hamburg’s richie-rich neighborhood of Blankenese.

The territory was bought in the late 18th century by merchant Jean Cesar Godeffroy. To this day, Godeffroy’s villa can be admired (albeit not visited) and wildlife such as deer, peacocks, and waterbirds are also still there.

A nice place for a tea break is the Witthüs, a small cottage thatched with reeds. The Witthüs has even a Michelin Plate, so it’s very popular and you better make a reservation.

Elbchaussee 499a
22587 Hamburg


Enough of richie-rich, let’s go back to the city center and Hamburg’s second-largest park, the Stadtpark. The largest one is the Altonaer Volkspark, but I impossibly can take you everywhere.

This central park offers something for everybody: Of course, there are many vast meadows where the Hamburgers enjoy themselves playing all sorts of ball games while not far from them, large families from all over the world are firing up their barbecue on weekends.

There are playgrounds for kids and a swimming pool made from a natural pond.
Also, you can relax and enjoy a snack at various cafés and bars.

Lawn at the Stadtpark in Hamburg.
If you don’t feel like lazing around on the meadows the entire day, there’s Hamburg’s planetarium right across the street.

During the summer months on several days a week, there are concerts taking place on the open-air stage, so you don’t even have to pay entrance to hear some of the greatest international pop and rock stars for free since the music can be heard in the entire park.

Alster and Alstertal

I already introduced you to the lake and the river Alster. And where there is a river, there is a river walk. It is possible to walk from the lake-part of the Alster all the way up north towards its source. Obviously, you can also cycle. Hamburg has, like most big cities, a bike rental system which is especially convenient during the summer months.

Can’t see the wood for the trees. What a luxury in a big city!

Unfortunately, the so-called Alsterwanderweg is not an uninterrupted trail, but it consists of different parts. There are some narrow trails along the river, some trails crossing pleasant parks, but also some parts that are on regular roads.

However, if you feel like exploring the city on a bike, you can start on the lake’s northern shore, go along the street Leinpfad, and continue according to the route I’ve marked on the map at the end of this post. I ended it at Ohlsdorf cemetery, the largest park cemetery in the world. If you like, you can, of course, continue further up north.

Planten un Blomen and Wallanlagen

Another centrally located public park, very popular with the Hamburgers, is Planten un Blomen. The name is Low German for Pflanzen und Blumen, hence, plants and flowers.

It was founded in 1821 and is a manicured park arranged in various gardens like the rose nursery, the apothecary garden, and a traditional Japanese terrace.

There are different snack bars, a hothouse with tropical plants, as well as a huge playground for the little ones.

In summer, there are often musical performances taking place. The most popular are the light concerts at the great water fountain where the colorfully illuminated waters move up and down according to the classic melodies. Kitsch as kitsch can.

Planten un Blomen park in the center of Hamburg
Planten un Blomen – plants and flowers – what better name could there be for this spot?

Planten un Blomen garden is part of the green belt along the former, historic Wallanlagen, the erstwhile rampart. This belt stretches basically from the Alster lake across the city all the way to the neighborhood of St. Pauli on the bank of river Elbe. One of its main attractions is the roller rink that in winter is transformed into an ice rink.

Behind High Walls

There is a really quirky aspect to the Wallanlagen. In its neighborhood are the courts and behind the criminal court is for obvious reasons the remand center. Right next to the park.

Often you see – and hear! – the inmates’ relatives and friends standing at the wall fence, yelling messages. The inmates closest to the wall pass the greetings to those who cannot see the fence; this part of the story I know from hearsay, no experience on my side. Of course, this is not really legal – but it’s kinda hilarious to observe.

Have I just mentioned St. Pauli, Hamburg’s traditional marine, and the working-class neighborhood around the red light district? Well, I guess this rings a bell in the ear of every sailor in this world.

Miles and Miles: Reeperbahn and Kunstmeile


In the 17th and 18th centuries, today’s world-famous Reeperbahn started out as a ropewalk, hence, an area where they made ropes for seafaring. This, of course, attracted sailors and boatmen. Those guys were thirsty and lonely, they went to bars, they met these painted girls, one thing led to another…you know how it is.

It became the red light district and got the nickname being the sündigste Meile, the most sinful mile. However, today the Reeperbahn and the adjacent streets are a wild mix of sex shops and brothels, but also of trendy clubs and bars, restaurants, and theaters.

The legendary street 'Große Freiheit' - great freedom - actually lives up to its name. (Photo: ©  Christian Spahrbier /
The legendary street Große Freiheit – great freedom – actually lives up to its name. (Photo: ©  Christian Spahrbier /

Although you might get to see irritating things, it’s far too frequented to be really dangerous. Beware of pickpockets and most of all scams when you get involved with strangers at – erotic – bars.

And the Beat Goes On

St. Pauli’s claim to fame is also the fact that the Beatles started their worldwide career right here at the Starclub. John Lennon is quoted: “I might have been born in Liverpool – but I grew up in Hamburg”.

From 2009 to 2012 the Beatles were remembered at the exhibition Beatlemania which sadly had to close down for financial reasons.

Beatles Tour through Hamburg St. Pauli
Look at this tour – no wonder the Beatles had a great time in Hamburg! (Photo: ©  Christian Spahrbier /

Today, there is the Beatles-Platz, the Beatles square, remembering the famous debutants. But if you want to learn more about this, you can join one of the Beatles tours following a guide who was actually there when the magic happened.

The tours are taking place Thursday to Sunday at 5 p.m. (also in English)

Beatles Tours Hamburg 
Große Freiheit 39
22767 Hamburg

Reading this post you’ll think that the Hamburgers spend all their life outdoors on ships, beaches, and parks. This would be a brilliant idea if only the weather was better. Being so close to two oceans in Northern Europe means lots of rain – and we’re talking this annoying light, but constant drizzle here. Terrible.

Kunstmeile: An Art Mile

But Hamburg is ready for this: Although it’s certainly not Germany’s most exciting destination for arts and exhibitions (there are even much smaller cities offering much better shows), it has about 60 museums, and five of them are located along the Kunstmeile, the Art Mile, between the central station and the outskirts of the HafenCity.

Hamburger Kunsthalle: Hamburg Art Museum

Already the Kunsthalle’s structure is outstanding since the Art Museum consists of three individual, partly only subterraneously connected buildings from different eras.

Firstly, there is the old building from the 19th century, built and decorated according to classic Renaissance architecture.

One of the three buildings of the Kunsthalle in Hamburg
The Kunsthalle’s oldest part on the right and the newest part – the gallery of contemporary art – to the left.

In the early 20th century another building was added – it’s located closer to the central station. It was built in a neoclassicist style. The third building, the Gallery of Contemporary Art, was finished in 1997 and stands closest to Lake Alster so that the old building is practically framed by its two younger brothers.

Galerie der Gegenwart of the Kunsthalle in Hamburg
….and the newest part – the gallery of contemporary art.

The Kunsthalle owns a collection of paintings and sculptures from medieval times to the contemporary and covers practically every era. Particularly noticeable are the paintings from German Romantic by Caspar David Friedrich, Philipp Otto Runge, Wilhelm Leibl, and Anselm Feuerbach.

Monkey by Jörg Immendorf at the Kunsthalle Hamburg
I just adore this whimsical interaction between the paintings by Valentin Ruths and Arthur Fitger from the late 19th century and the monkey statue from the 20th century by Jörg Immendorf pointing at them.

They also own some of the most important works by German impressionists Max Liebermann and Lovis Corinth.

Hamburger Kunsthalle 
Glockengießerwall 5
20095 Hamburg

Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Thursday to 9 p.m.)

Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg: Museum for Arts and Crafts

Founded in 1876, the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg’s Museum for Arts and Crafts, was Germany’s third of his kind after Leipzig and Berlin. Divided into fourteen sections, it houses about half a million objects.

Museum of Arts and Crafts Hamburg.<br>(Photo: © Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe /
Museum of Arts and Crafts Hamburg.
(Photo: © Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe /

My absolute favorite part is the section on German expressionism and Bauhaus including a show of bizarre masks and theater costumes by Lavinia Schulz and Walter Holdt. Also very interesting are the Bauhaus furniture and the Frankfurt kitchen by Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky from Vienna, probably the first female architect in the world.

Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
20099 Hamburg

Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. (Thursday to 9 p. m.)

Kunstverein in Hamburg: Hamburg Art Society

The Kunstverein, Hamburg’s art society, was founded 200 years ago in 1817 to promote the arts and make art accessible to the general public.

Hamburg's art society
Hamburg’s Art Society.

It is one of Germany’s oldest art associations and at its present location – at a former market hall just like the Deichtorhallen mentioned below – since 1993. I’d say that the exhibitions of contemporary art taking place at the Kunstverein are mostly rather extreme, hence a bit quirky and for a specialized audience.

Kunstverein in Hamburg 
Klosterwall 23
20095 Hamburg

Open from Tuesday to Sunday and on holidays from noon to 6 p.m.

Deichtorhallen Hamburg

The Deichtorhallen Hamburg – the halls used to be a covered market – is one of Europe’s largest exhibition spaces for contemporary art and photography.

Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Deichtorhallen Hamburg – cool venue for art aficionados.

The steel-glass structures from 1911 respectively 1913 have attracted art aficionados with their spectacular exhibitions of world-renowned artists since 1989.

Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Deichtorstraße 1-2
20095 Hamburg

Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., every month’s first Thursday to 9 p.m.

Bucerius Kunstforum: Bucerius Art Forum

The Bucerius Kunstforum is found at a prime location next to the town hall in the very center of Hamburg.

Bucerius Kunstforum Photo: © Kai-Uwe Gundlach /
It’s good that the Kunstforum is included in the Kunstmeilen Pass, otherwise, I couldn’t recommend visiting: too often have I been disappointed by the quite far-fetched concepts of their exhibitions. (Photo: © Kai-Uwe Gundlach /

This gallery, financed by the foundation Zeit-Stiftung (Die Zeit is a very prestigious national weekly newspaper published in Hamburg), doesn’t own a collection but organizes every year four exhibitions on different topics and various art epochs.

Bucerius Kunst Forum
Alter Wall 12
20457 Hamburg

Opening hours daily 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursdays to 9 p.m.

Kunstmeilen Pass

If you are like me and cannot get enough of art and exhibitions, then you probably should consider getting a Kunstmeilen Pass, a combined ticket for all five venues.

The regular one costs €uro 36, however with the Hamburg Card only €uro 28,50. It can be used for one year. But keep in mind that there is only one-time access to each venue.

For tourists, there is an even better option: The Kunstmeilen Pass for three consecutive days costs only €uro 25 or €uro 20 with the Hamburg Card.

You can buy it at any of the five participating museums or at the tourist information points quoted above.

Further information
Phone: + 49 – 40 – 428 131 314

Merchants and Hobgoblins

Once you’re done with the Bucerius Kunstforum, the last stop on Hamburg’s Kunstmeile, you can just go next door:


The Rathaus, Hamburg’s town hall, houses the office of the so-called Bürgerschaft, the legislative assembly of the federal state of  Hamburg, and the “Senate” which is the federal state’s government.

The imposing building was built between 1886 and 1897 in a neo-renaissance style. It’s not only impressive outside, but it’s also very beautiful inside so I can highly recommend joining a guided tour.

Hamburg town hall, seen from the adjacent Alsterarkaden, the Alster arcades, housing posh cafés, and specialty shops.
Hamburg town hall, seen from the adjacent Alsterarkaden, the Alster arcades, housing posh cafés, and specialty shops.

If your German is good enough to follow a local tour, you can join a daily tour from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Saturday to 5 p.m.) by the hour.

Tours in English and French are not performed on a regular basis, so please inquire by calling + 49 – 40 – 42831-2064 (workdays from  9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or get information and register using the information hotline + 49 – 40 – 428 31 24.

Under the same number, you can get also info on tours in Lower German that take place once a month.

Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte: Museum of the History of Hamburg

To get the most complete overview of Hamburg’s exciting history, there’s no better place to visit than the Museum of the History of Hamburg. Opened in 1922, it owns the largest collection of municipal history in all of Germany.

Trace the history all the way back to the 9th century when Hamburg’s predecessor, the Hammaburg, used to be a village with a population of about 200 fishermen, farmers, and craftsmen.

The entrance hall to a wealthy merchant's house at the Museum for Hamburg's History
The entrance hall to a wealthy merchant’s house – where he pursued his trade, but the family also used to live.

Find out how it grew to an important commercial center with an internationally operating harbor. Every aspect of life in Hamburg over the centuries is taken into focus.

A visit is recommendable for everybody, but especially kids will enjoy exciting trips back in time: There is a special self-guided tour with 50 different stops at the museum, one of them being a real piece of the steamship Werner, built in 1909 and scrapped in 1960.

Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte 
Holstenwall 24
20355 Hamburg

Open Sunday to Monday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and weekends to 6 p.m.

Rickmer Rickmers

Since at the History Museum there is only a fragment left of the ship ‘Werner’, you might wanna explore an entire one – no problem at the third-largest harbor in Europe!

If you’ve been to the harbor before, you’ve certainly noticed the striking dark green tall sailing ship – the Rickmer Rickmers.

The Rickmer Rickmers sailing ship in the Harbor of Hamburg
The bold green color, a traditional figurehead – the Rickmer Rickmers has all it takes to be a nautical jewel.

It was built in 1896 and named after the builder’s grandson. Since 1983 it houses a museum and has become one of Hamburg’s landmarks. Originally furnished cabins can be admired for instance on a scavenger hunt. The sporty folks might even climb the shrouds while the rather cozy folks enjoy refreshments at the restaurant.

Rickmer Rickmers
Bei den St. Pauli Landungsbrücken, Ponton 1a
20359 Hamburg

Open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Cap San Diego

Less flashy and less romantic, but worth the visit nevertheless is the Cap San Diego, a former general cargo vessel built in 1961 respectively 1962.

For twenty years the Cap San Diego was cruising the seven seas – mainly between Hamburg and South America. And although today it’s a hotel and a museum, the Cap San Diego is still seaworthy and can be hired for special occasions.

There is a lot going on on the Cap San Diego, within sight of the Elbphilharmonie.
There is a lot going on on the Cap San Diego, within sight of the Elbphilharmonie.

On board, there are galleries showing temporary exhibitions as well as a museum where you can learn everything about modern seafaring in two different exhibitions and on migration to the New World through the port of Hamburg at the show Ein Koffer voller Hoffnung, hence, A Suitcase Packed with Hope.

Cap San Diego
20459 Hamburg

Open daily from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.


The above-mentioned exhibition on board the Cap San Diego was the first show remembering Hamburg as the starting point to the New World for many migrants from Europe. Between 1850 and 1934, about 5 million passed through the harbor of Hamburg.

BallinStadt Emigration Museum in Hamburg
The history of emigration via the port of Hamburg can be traced at the BallinStadt which fused to be the first stop for many migrants on their long journey for the better.
(Photo: ©  Christian Spahrbier /

Since most of these immigrants were rather from the south of Germany or even from Eastern countries such as Russia and Poland, they came to Hamburg not having any shelter while waiting for their ship to leave. Hence they squatted in the streets which became a social and hygienic problem.

Waiting for the Passage

Therefore Albert Ballin, founder, and owner of the shipping company Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft, short HAPAG, got the idea to build a reception center for those waiting. For obvious reasons, he was very interested in these migrants to keep coming to Hamburg and taking his ships to America.

On the southern outskirts of Hamburg, a little settlement was built, consisting of clean dorms and dining halls where three meals a day were served. At that time, this was a big luxury. There even were facilities like a playground for the kids and a cinema. And there were two churches, a Catholic and a protestant one, and of course, a synagogue – since many of the migrants were Jewish fleeing the Eastern European pogroms.

Emigration and I

I am a child of emigrants – my parents migrated in 1968 from Prague to Germany after the Soviet occupation. Therefore, the faith of immigrants and the stories of leaving everything behind in search of a better life always touch me very deeply. I spent hours at Ellis Island, looking at pictures, and seeing fear and hope in the eyes of the people.

Consequently, I was very happy when Hamburg finally acknowledged its role in migration from Europe to the New World and first installed the exhibition at the Cap San Diego and eventually re-opened the halls at the BallinStadt.

Read about the fascinating history of migration via North German ports in this post.

Auswanderermuseum Hamburg
Veddeler Bogen 2
20539 Hamburg


The Krameramtsstuben, the Grocers’ Apartments, were homes for widows of members of the Grocers’ Institute.  Today, there is only one of those courtyards from the 17th century left. The timber-framed buildings are now occupied by small shops, galleries, restaurants, and a museum. They can be found a bit hidden behind two 1700s buildings which front the street.

Krameramtswohnungen in Hamburg
The courtyard of the Krameramtsstuben is one of the cutest – and quite hidden – places in Hamburg. Here you can get some Hamburg souvenirs and enjoy a snack at the cozy little café at the end of the alleyway.

Next to the entrance to the courtyard is a restaurant by the name of Krameramtsstuben that serves traditional local cuisine.

Krayenkamp 10
20459 Hamburg

Landmarks and Memorials

St. Michaelis

The Krameramtsstuben are just across the street from the most important Landmark in Hamburg, the St. Michaelis church aka the Michel.

St. Michael on top of the entrance to the Michaeliskirche in Hamburg
Michael is waiting for you at the entrance.

Make sure to visit the church’s viewing platform – it grants you an unforgettable view of the city and the harbor. You can climb the 452 stairs – which should take about 12 minutes. However, you can also take an elevator on the 1st floor, but be aware that you have to climb 52 stairs in any case.  The tower clock – the largest in all of Germany – measures 8 meters.

Hamburg's most important landmark, St. Michaelis church, probably better known by its nickname Michel.
Hamburg’s most important landmark, St. Michaelis church, probably better known by its nickname Michel.

St. Michaelis is a protestant church that is the predominant confession in northern Germany. Besides the regular services, you can often enjoy beautiful concerts there, too.

St. Michaelis 
Englische Planke 1
20459 Hamburg

St. Katharinen

St. Katharinen was founded in the 13th century when the city was extended. Its neighborhood was the quarter of the shipbuilders and beer brewers.

 St. Katharinen church Hamburg
Ms Katharina in front of her house…of worship.

Eventually, mainly wealthy merchants moved to this area, many of them being Dutch immigrants who had to leave their country for religious reasons.

St. Katharinen was named after the Cyprian princess Katharina.

The church is mainly famous for its copper tower, decorated with beautiful golden details like ‘Katharina’s’ golden crown. It’s considered Hamburg’s most beautiful church tower.

St. Katharinen 
Katharinenkirchhof 1
20457 Hamburg

St. Nikolai

Like the Gedächtniskirche in Berlin, St. Nikolai is rather a memorial than a church. It’s basically left in its damaged state and there is a permanent exhibition Gomorrha 1943 – The destruction of Hamburg during the aerial warfare.

St. Nicolai Church in Hamburg
The symbol against the dramatic sky.

A glass elevator takes visitors up the fifth-highest church tower in the world.
From the viewing platform at 76 meters, you can overlook the harbor, the Alster lakes, and Hamburg’s city center.

St. Nikolai
Willy-Brandt-Straße 60
20457 Hamburg

Open daily from May to September from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and October to April to 5 p.m.

Inventions and Traditions


So there is the world’s largest graveyard and one of Europe’s largest galleries for contemporary art and Germany’s largest church clock – but besides all the superlatives, to me, Hamburg’s greatest ambassador is Nivea, a brand that’s known everywhere around the globe.

Nivea-balloon on a beach at Figuera da Foz in Portugal
Wherever Hamburgers go, a piece of home is awaiting them. Here, on the beach of Figuera da Foz in Portugal.

Yes, the company Beiersdorf, which launched this modestly snow-white cream in blue tin canisters with simple, bold white lettering on it, is located in the very center of Hamburg. The name Nivea, by the way, refers to niveus which is Latin for ‘made of snow’.

The first tin was sold in December 1911, and before the cosmetic industry increased and started to manufacture different creams and lotions for every type of skin and dermatologic need, generations of German kids and adults alike used Nivea as their only skin emollient.
Since then Nivea extended its range of creams and lotions and recently they’ve even launched a perfume with the typical Nivea smell.

Nivea Finds a Home

In 2006 the first Nivea-Haus was opened in Hamburg. Besides being a store where you can purchase every purchasable Nivea product you can imagine, they also have a SPA where they treat you with….take a wild guess!

NIVEA Haus Hamburg
Jungfernstieg 51
20354 Hamburg
Phone: + 49 – 40 – 82 22 474-0

Open Monday to Saturday from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.

Of course, you can get the products also at every supermarket or one of Germany’s many drugstores. In Hamburg, you absolutely have to check out:


Budnikowsky is a drugstore chain that you will find only in Hamburg and some well-chosen destinations up north. The Hamburgers call it affectionately Budni and I love to shop there, too.

I don’t understand why Germany is famous for cars and beer. The great thing about Germany is the drugstores. The only nation that has similarly good drugstores is the US, all the others cannot compete since there is always missing one section.

Deck Chair by Budnikowsky
Besides the writing ‘Hamburg’ – doesn’t this chair just have your name on it?! Budni definitely has it all! (Photo: Budnikowsky)

Budni and the other German chains have it all: body care, cosmetics, and make-up, but also washing powder, rags, and brooms. And of course whole foods – dry and fresh and even some convenient whole food like soups and pizzas.
But since they want to sell their toothbrushes, they also have sweets – and even a variety of vines.

No other drugstore in the world – US aside – has all that!

Besides the popular brands which they already sell at a very good price, they also have a couple of house brands. Those are of excellent quality and really cheap. It’s their fault that I’m schlepping my care products around the world with me from Germany – nowhere else do I get an excellent sunscreen for less than 5 bucks; nowhere.

Souvenir, Souvenir

For you, as a visitor, the most interesting products should be their line of stuff in the red and white design taken from Hamburg’s emblem, the red and white Hammaburg.

Hamburg-themed souvenirs by Budnikowsky
Some products from Budnikowsky’s Hamburg collection – and there is much more to choose from!

There are pens and diaries and of course T-shirts and bags and household stuff like bowls and cups and salt and pepper shakers. Just go and check it out if you intend to buy souvenirs since all this stuff is at an unbeatable price. Also, it’s actually a piece of Hamburg from a real store founded here when in 1912 Iwan Budnikowsky opened his first soap store.

There are a couple of Budnikowsky stores in every neighborhood.


Another breakfast treat only known in Hamburg would be a Franzbrötchen. This is a sweet roll filled with cinnamon that makes every Hamburger’s mouth water.

The plain original: Franzbrötchen.

You get Franzbrötchen at each and every bakery in Hamburg. The best ones, however, you get at Dat Backhus. Again, also this name is in Lower German, meaning Das Backhaus, translating to bakery.

At Dat Backhus, Franzbrötchen come also in different flavors such as whole grain, chocolate, raisins, apple, and more.

Besides selling all sorts of exquisite bread and cakes, they also have a small deli. Here you can enjoy hot and cold drinks with a sandwich or pie.

You find branches of Dat Backhus in basically every neighborhood.

Practical Information

As You Get There

Arriving at the Airport

Hamburg has an international airport which is really close to the city center and easily accessible by public transport.

The city train S-Bahn #1 is going from the airport to the central station every 10 to 20 minutes between 4 a.m. and almost midnight. However, even if you need to take a cab from anywhere in the city center, it shouldn’t cost more than 25 €uro. Search FlightsImage

For a first orientation, you’ll find dispensers with information and free city maps right at the airport next to the baggage claim.

Arriving at the Train Station

If you happen to arrive by train, note that there are three stations serving short and long-distance destinations. Firstly, there is the Hauptbahnhof, the central station, located in the very center. Next would be the Dammtor station which is close to the university and the convention center. Finally, Altona is the hub for the trains going further north.

If you are coming from the south, don’t get confused when your train stops at Harburg station. And more importantly, don’t get off there if Hamburg is your final destination. Harburg is a suburb of Hamburg, from here you still have another ten minutes to go.

However, there is the University of Technology TUHH located in Harburg. That’s the university where Mohammed Atta studied. Don’t remember him? He became famous for flying a plane into the north tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

How to Get Around

Although Hamburg’s city center can be explored by walking, it’s still a big city so you probably cannot avoid taking public transport. There is a comprehensive and reliable system of buses, subways, and local trains, the so-called S-Bahn. Contrary to other German cities, there is no tram. Also, once you have a ticket, you don’t need to validate it like for instance in Berlin or Düsseldorf.

Overground train in Hamburg
Hamburg has an excellent system of public transport. When you take the U-Bahn #2 between St. Pauli and Rathausmarkt, it’s almost like a short sightseeing tour of the Harbor.

Depending on the length of your trip, prices for a single ride vary from 1.80 to 3.50 €uros. However, there are day passes that cost 8.20 €uro for the entire day and only 6.90 €uro if bought after 9 a.m. Mind you, they are only valid till the end of the day and not 24 hours. This day pass is good for one adult and up to three kids aged 6 to 14.

Alternatively, there’s a group ticket for up to 5 people of any age for €uro 12.90, but only valid after 9 a.m. You get this and further information on the transport company’s website.


Another convenient way to explore Hamburg is by bicycle. I wonder if there is a city in Europe that does not offer rental bikes. In Hamburg, this company is called StadtRad and you find their website here.

You need to register for 5 €uro. That’s for a year. Then, you can use their bikes for free for the first half-hour of every trip. Since there are many bike stations around the city, you’ll probably never exceed those 30 minutes. Simply return your bike as soon as you don’t need it, for instance, while shopping or visiting a landmark. Once you’re done, you rent another one so that the clock starts ticking from zero.

How to Explore

Depending on what you intend to do and whether you travel by yourself or with others, the Hamburg Card might be a good option for your stay. It includes all public transportation, however, you get only a discount on certain activities and no free entrance. Also, you get discounts on theater and musical tickets, at selected restaurants, and more.

Ships and people at the Port of Hamburg during the Hafengeburtstag
Rush hour on River Elbe: On the occasion of the annual harbor anniversary in May, Hamburg is not only packed with people.
 1 Adult
(+ up to
3 kids)
5 Adults
as a group)
1 day10.9018.90
2 days19.9033.90
3 days28.9048.90
4 days37.9063.90
5 days44.9078.90

Organized Tours

Especially if you don’t have too much time to spend in Hamburg, joining an organized activity or tour might be a better option than venturing out on your own. Here are some of the great activities you might wanna check out*:

Free Walking Tours

As in many other cities, obviously, one of the coolest ways of getting to know the place is to join a free city tour. In Hamburg, however, you can choose between Sandeman’s New Europe, which actually is a chain operating in many other cities, too. Or you join the really Hamburg-oriented Robin and the Tourguides – I love them already for the name!

Meet the guides right on the Rathausplatz, the town hall square. Sandeman’s have a red umbrella while the Robin’s Guy(de)s have yellow ones.
It’s a free tour – but please, don’t forget to tip…

Where to Stay

Accommodations in Hamburg are rather pricey. Here are some centrally located hotels of different price ranges – as well as a youth hostel with a million-dollar view!

Low Price at a Good Location

The Superbude* has a great concept: Functional furnishing, ingeniously upcycled decoration, cool atmosphere. The St. Pauli branch is located between two hip neighborhoods, the neighborhood at Spaldingstraße is not very alluring, but it’s close to the city center.

Middle Price at a Convenient Location

Since its renovation about three years ago, the old Hotel Reichshof* is part of the Hilton chain and accordingly luxurious – and a bit pricey. Right across the street is the main station, so it’s very centrally located.

However, around the train station are all these people that hang out around every train station in the world, so it’s a bit depressing and maybe even scary when you’re new in town.

The hip neighborhood around Lange Reihe as well as the Alster lake are within walking distance.

High Price at a Premium Location

The Westin Hamburg* is one of Hamburg’s newest hotels, located right at the Elbphilharmonie – let’s just not talk about the price at this point. If by any chance you’ve found a diamond mine just recently, then book yourself in a room with a view over the harbor and enjoy life.

Middle Price at a Premium Location

Before they completed the Elbphilharmonie, the Hotel Hafen Hamburg*, located right over the Landungsbrücken, was indisputably the accommodation with the most breathtaking view.

Well, obviously, the view is still there and you can get a room here at a surprisingly low price. Even if you choose not to stay here, you should have a drink at their Tower Bar, 62 meters above the ground.

Middle Price at a Premium Location

Undoubtedly, it’s quite an exception to have accommodation with one of the best views at one of the lowest prices in town.

As a matter of fact, the Stintfang*, one of Hamburg’s youth hostels, is on a slope of the river Elbe’s right bank above the harbor!

Young People overlooking the Harbor of Hamburg
Not bad for a view from a youth hostel, right?! (Photo: © Jörg Modrow /

Of course, there were plans to build a luxurious hotel here, but youth senatrix Paula Karpinski (1897 – 2005) achieved against all odds to keep the youth hostel there. In her honor, the square in front of the hostel is now called Paula-Karpinski-Platz.

On this map, you can check out many other lodging options in Hamburg*:

Fun Fact

Since 1995, on the Stintfang’s south slope, there is a little vineyard! It was a gift from the organizer of the ‘Stuttgarter Weindorf’ – the ‘Stuttgart Wine Village’ – an annual culinary fair taking place on the Rathausmarkt, the town hall square, from 1986 till 2015. 
Vineyard….well, we are talking about 100 vine stocks here. 
Every year, 40 to 50 bottles of “Hamburg Stintfang Cuvée” are gained. Exclusively, the city’s guests of honor receive it as a gift. 
There was no vintage in 2010 since the crop had been sacked. In 2016 another 90 percent was gone.
Hence, some Hamburgers actually might know about this quirky vineyard.

What to Eat

There are thousands of options to choose from. Obviously, North German cuisine consists mainly of fish dishes – due to the proximity to the two Seas. But there are also restaurants run by immigrants from all over the world. Besides the Portuguese quarter close to the harbor, there are tons of Middle Eastern, Asian, and African restaurants. Also, there are, of course, countless Turkish Kebab shops.

But let me introduce some of the best fish places:

Excellent and Cheap

Unfortunately, my favorite Daniel Wischer-restaurant was closed down in 2016. It used to be in the middle of Hamburg’s biggest shopping area. Basically, no shopping spree was complete without fried haddock and potato salad.

Fortunately the same year they opened a new branch right next to the town hall – which is actually much nicer. However, I don’t want nice, I want tradition!

Daniel Wischer Restaurant and Store in Hamburg
The new, posh location at Große Johannisstraße next to the town hall. If you’re in a hurry or not too hungry, you can also just grab a fish sandwich or some fish’n’chips to go.

For traditionalists like me, there is still the one at Steinstraße close to the central station. Here you’ll feel like walking right back into the 70s – furnishing and staff included.

No matter which location you prefer, the food is always excellent: fresh, tasty, and plenty. No wonder – Daniel Wischer has been frying fish since 1924!

Daniel Wischer
Große Johannisstraße 3
20457 Hamburg

Open Monday to Saturday 11 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Steinstraße 15a
20095 Hamburg

Open Monday to Saturday 11 a. m. to 4 p. m.

At the Most Authentic Location

One of the most original restaurants and bars is the Feuerschiff* right in the harbor. This light vessel was built by Philips & Sons in Dartmouth/England in 1952. With a crew of eight men, the ship used to be a sea mark off the English coast. After 36 years, it was replaced in 1989 and has thenceforth ‘retired’ in the harbor of Hamburg since 1992.

The Feuerschiff at the Port of Hamburg
You cannot miss the fire-red Feuerschiff.

Besides being a restaurant serving typical Hamburg cuisine, it also is a bar and club. You can even spend the night in one of the berths*. Although they are tiny, they are equipped with everything an accommodation needs – at a reasonable price.

To party, check their event calendar. There are concerts and other fun events taking place regularly. For instance, every Monday, they have a Jazz night from 8.30 p.m.

Das Feuerschiff
20459 Hamburg

Open daily from 9 a.m. till 10 p.m.

Excellent and Expensive

Since 1981 the Fischereihafen Restaurant down by the riverside has been Hamburg’s synonym for elegant and excellent dining. I think there isn’t one German – and international – celebrity that came to Hamburg without paying this culinary institution a visit. Of course, the prices are accordingly – and don’t bother to go there without making a reservation.

Fischereihafen Restaurant
Große Elbstraße 143
22767 Hamburg
Phone: + 49 – 40 – 38 18 16

Other Pleasures

The Freudenhaus translates to house of pleasure. Since it is located right in Hamburg’s red-light district, the name might sound a tad misleading. So don’t be surprised if people either frown or crack up laughing when you tell them you’re going to the Freudenhaus. Mind you, in German, Freudenhaus is synonymous with brothel.

However, at this Freudenhaus, the pleasures are exclusive of culinary nature. Classic home cooking, pimped-up comfort food, Hamburg’s fish classic. No matter what, this house definitely is full of pleasures that you’ll enjoy in a very plushy, fun setting.
Not exactly cheap, but very recommendable!

Freudenhaus St. Pauli
Hein-Hoyer-Straße 7-9
20359 Hamburg
Phone: +49 – 40 – 31 46 42

Open daily from 5 p.m.

Cash And Cards

After going through customs at the airport, you’ll find bank booths as well as ATMs. Also, there are banks and ATMs all over the city.

Until now, 20 European countries replaced their former local currency with the €uro starting in 2002. Obviously, Germany is one of them. The exchange rate is 1 US$ = 0.95 EUR as of February 2024. However, you can check today’s conversion rate on this page.


Gate to the world – of course, most people speak pretty decent English. In the city center, however, even the announcements on buses and subways are bi-lingual. Nevertheless, for some useful words and phrases, you might want to practice a little with the help of e. g. Babbel. The first lesson is free and already supplies you with useful basic vocabulary.

Say It Right

In this post, I’m writing out some of the German names of brands and places. Obviously, you will notice that there are letters that might not exist in other languages.

Firstly, there is the letter ß which exists only in the German alphabet. It’s by no means a B – it’s a so-called sharp S. You pronounce it like the double S in kiss. So although the German word for street, Straße, looks quite exotic, it is simply pronounced Shtrasse. Mind you, when an S stands before a T, it becomes sh instead of s.

Then, there are three more vowels, ä being the easiest one since it’s pronounced like an open e as in head.
For some foreigners, ö and ü might be a bit tougher. Ö is pronounced more or less like the e in her. Finally, Ü sounds a bit like the u in huge.

Communication And Connection

Since June 2017, no roaming charges apply within the EU if you have a European mobile phone contract. This involves all 27 countries of the European Union as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.
The EU roaming regulation applies to all contracts.

In case European roaming is not available, you can connect to the internet at museums, eateries or cafés, and, of course, hotels. This being said, in comparison to many other lands, Germany is a developing country when it comes to the internet. There are annoyingly many dead zones and many places do not offer free Wifi connection.

So if you depend on a reliable online connection, you should opt for a SIM card. Whether phone companies such as O2 or Vodaphone or supermarkets like Lidl and Aldi – there is a wide choice of providers of prepaid cards.

The standard voltage in Europe is 220 V and the frequency is 50 Hz. In Germany, they use the plug types C and F.

Whereby, nowadays, all these chargers have integrated adapters, in general, the voltage and frequency don’t really matter.

By the way, you’ll find comprehensive travel info in my post World’s Most Complete Travel Information – an indispensable globetrotter-classic.


On this map, I’m showing you where to find all the wonderful places I’m introducing in this post. This way, you can plan your visit accordingly. 
Clicking on the slider symbol at the top left or the full-screen icon at the top right will display the whole map including the legend.

For extended information on the country, go to my post All you need to know before going to GERMANY

In the post Best Street Art in Hamburg, I’m introducing you to the city’s most intriguing urban art.

Pinnable Pictures

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Note: I am completing, editing, and updating this post regularly – last in February 2025.

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117 Replies to “Guide to HAMBURG, the self-proclaimed Gateway to the World”

  1. I love what you’re writing about – your of clever work and coverage!

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    1. That’s perfect since I’m posting once or twice a week. If you want, you can also subscribe to my monthly calendar sheet – this way, you’ll be always informed about new content 😉

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  6. Hurrah! Finally I got a weblog from where I be capable of actually obtain helpful information regarding Hamburg!

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  8. Awesome guide with all the details we need in case our family gets to travel in Germany soon. Thanks for all these, the photos were amazing indeed!

  9. I appreciate that you highlighted the little details such as money, air transfers etc that some travelbloggers forget to share. the place absolutely beautiful, you ill def always find me near the water.

  10. This detailed guide is so helpful especially for first-time travelers like me. Happy to know that English is common in Hamburg. Thanks for the recommendation re: Babbel. Will check it out.

    Excited to know there are free walking tours as well.

  11. Hamburg is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous! What I find so fascinating is the Old Elbtunnel. It seems so scary to be walking underwater, but I still find myself wanting to do it. LOL

  12. This looks amazing place, and it has fun things to do and visit. Going below the water looks interesting.

  13. Hamburg seems like such a lovely place to visit. I know I’d love to see it in person one day.

  14. It feels like I also travel to Hamburg by looking at your blog, thank you for sharing. Beautiful places! I would love to visit Germany someday.

  15. This post contains so much information about Hamburg! I haven’t been to Germany yet but if we get there, I would love to see some of the things you have pointed out for you! Great job!

  16. I know a few people from Hamburg and it was nice to read such a comprehensive review/insight into the city. Somewhere to maybe visit!

  17. When I think of Germany, in my mind it’s always Munich or Berlin but now I have Hamburg added to my list! I’m curious about Speicherstadt as it’s a UNESCO site, would love to see it in actuality. Alsterrundfahrt is inviting too as well as the Treppenviertel! I love cities that are rich in history with beautiful architecture.

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  20. Such a well-organized itinerary! Sounds like it is an easy city to get around. It also looks like they have pretty cherry blossoms there too just like in Washington D.C.

  21. It looks really very beautiful! You inspired me! It’s great that you share your experience. I am a novice traveler, and for me your blog is an aid in planning my trip. Thanks!

  22. This is an awesome post! Everything I’d need to know to visit. I didn’t realize there is a beach there. The Miniatur Wonderland sounds like a fun place to take kids. Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. Since I’m based here, I sometimes don’t appreciate Hamburg enough. Corona forced me to stay home this Easter 😉

  23. It has been simply incredibly generous with you to provide openly what exactly many individuals would’ve marketed for an ebook to end up making some cash for their end, primarily given that you could have tried it in the event you wanted.

  24. I live in Hamburg since 5 years but I never heard of some things you have mentioned thank you tomorrow I am going to visit Hamburg again even I live there..

  25. From all German cities, this is the one I really want to visit. Your post is so informative, I don't need to read anything else before going to Hamburg! 🙂

  26. A detailed introduction to Hamburg, a very charming German city which I would love to visit in the near future. The Fischmarkt looks like a well-preserved local tradition which we will be able to interact with locals to better appreciate their culture and practices.

  27. Never thought that Hamburg would have such things and beautiful things too see. Will definitely try to visit one day, thanks for all the info!

  28. Wow Renata, your post is very very information. Thank you so much for all the details you have added. I wanted to visit Hamburg for a weekend and I can see there is so much to visit and do there. Very surprised with the beach and the island you mentioned. The pictures are fantastic. Thanks for sharing this! 🙂

  29. This is amazing! So much information with sooo many options. We have not been to Hamburg yet but we are definitely going back to Germany in the near future and Hamburg will be one of our spots. Thanks for sharing!

  30. I never thought Hamburg would be that much beautiful I'd love to visit Hamburg, Germany one day. Loving all the pictures.. filled with plenty of places to visit.

  31. I hope to visit Hamburg soon as well. The Nivea-huis would definitely be my must-visit, being a Nivea user.

  32. The opening photo above the river is incredible. Any transportation system that has something for multi day use or something to that effect has always been a plus for me. We enjoy using the public transport while in other cities and love the discount we get with these types of offers. Always wanted to visit Hamburg as well but haven't made it yet. The ships in the shipyard look amazing especially considering they are sailing ships.

  33. I found the information on the language really interesting, I have seen Ä, Ö, Ü before but didn't realise what language they where from.

    1. Ö and Ü are also very common in Turkish – much more than in German. I think ä is exclusively German.

  34. This is such a super informative article about Hamburg. I've been to Germany many times, but never visited Hamburg. I'm from Europe, but I didn't know that it is europe's second largest industrial port. I would've never thought that. Also, it's fun to know the origin of the name Nivea:-)

  35. Oh I've heard a lot about Hamburg, I have a friend who visited the city as well and saw her photos and it was superb. I love your photos of Landungsbrücken and Hafencity I would love to visit this year. It's on my list. I just have to make a decision if I have to take the car or plane.

    1. However you get there, Alexi, have a safe trip and a great time in Hamburg.
      Regarding the parking problem at every major city, I'd rather recommend the train, though.

  36. I love Hamburg. It carries historical beauty and european architecture style. Great place to explore and spend your vacation. Thanks a lot for sharing everything in detail including main attractions, accomodation, transportation etc.

  37. Hamburg seems like an exceptional place to explore and I'll make sure to cross it off my bucket list as soon as possible, Renata. You offered some very practical and useful information!

  38. Wow, I think you got everything in this post. I had very little knowledge of Hamburg prior to reading this. But now I feel like I know it all. Compliments on the balanced and honest review of many of the activities and cities pro's and con's. This is what travel blogs should be all about.

    Thanks for sharing. Keep travel blogging. Adventure is better shared with friends!

  39. Only 90 minutes from Berlin! I will make that side trip when I get to Berlin. Elbphilhamonien is stunning. That photo of walking on water outstanding. I gotta have that Franzbrötchen! And, yes, we should import those beach wicker chairs. I am so impressed with this comprehensive post!

  40. I love Hamburg and its been years since I been. But after reading your post and for some reason, I dont know or missed this, Nivea is from Hamburg? Wow! Didnt even know it was a German company!

  41. I've never been to Europe, but Germany has always been one of my bucket list destinations. Your writing and pics make me want to check flights to see when I can make it over for some beer and schnitzel.

  42. Wow, I didn't know Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany. When I'm looking at places to visit (planning), I missed this one. You have a very detailed on what to do in Hamburg.

  43. WOW. That's all I can say after reading through this. Thank you for such an incredible guide to what seems to be an incredible city.

    Definitely bookmarking this post for when we visit Germany.

  44. Been to most of Germany cities but not Hamburg. Very detailed and informative guide you have here. Always enjoyed travelling to Germany in groups, because the group transport tickets cost are so valued for money.

  45. This is a fantastically comprehensive guide for visiting Hamburg. I learned so much! I cannot wait to visit Hamburg one day. Yay!

  46. We visited Hamburg with the Christmas markets and it was so cold. Your pictures make me want to plan a second trip when it's warmer, it looks lovely!

    1. Ya, well, it's the north. Whereby since it's close to the sea, it gets rather rainy and windy than really, really cold like places with a continental climate. Anyway, yes, come back to enjoy its sunny side up-side ???

  47. Wow, what a comprehensive post about Hamburg. My father-in-law was born there, and he talks about it being dirty, dark, and depressing – nothing like you describe here! I guess people tend to the down about their place of origin. I would love to explore the culinary options and see the tall ships!

    1. Aha, that's where the 'Schatz' – the darling or treasure – come from!? It's neither dirty nor dark, but in wintertime it can get a bit depressing since it's getting a lot of rains from the ocean. But that's the same problem with every northern European city – it's not worse than London – and faaar better than Scandinavia… Yes, come and see for yourself ?

  48. There is so much great information here, its all you need to know on your first trip! I have not been this side of the world yet and love reading about it. The food looks great and there is so much to do. Loved your pics too!

  49. I love how detailed your post is Renata! So much information for Hamburg! So many sights to see and experience including beaches and parks.. I am particularly interested with the Hamburg Dungeon. I’m sure it’s a unique way of learning Hamburg’s history, albeit the weird way.

  50. This is such a detailed article and a complete guide to Hamburg. The city looks beautiful with its breathtaking views, fascinating architecture and interesting museums and landmarks. That Franzbrötchen looks tempting. Love your amazing photos!

    1. Glad you like it, Shaily. Whereby the pix are mostly from a database, so I cannot take the credit.

  51. What a great article and great photos! You've given s a nice of thing to do, see, and eat around Hamburg. Will definitely be putting this great city on my list now.

    1. Glad you like it. The pictures are mostly from a database, though, so the credit goes – literally – to pro photographers.

  52. What a detailed post! I have visted Germany before but still have not been to Hamburg. The guide will come in handy for when I do.

    1. Glad to hear that, Barry. Yes, so many people skip Hamburg when travelling to Germany – since Munich has all the Oktoberfest-Cliché and Berlin the cool rep; Hamburg has a very cool and elegant tradition and is absolutely worth a stop.

  53. What an awesome place to be! There are so many beautiful places in Hamburg. Hopefully our Europe tour will push through this year. I am going to ask my husband to include Germany in our itinerary.

  54. Wow, the Elbe Opera House looks really cool, it's shaped like waves! I picked it out right away in the background of one of your other photos and marvelled at it already from there.

    And franzbrötchen looks a lot like Finnish korvapuusti. It's probably delicious as well!!

    1. Yes, that's exactly what the architects Herzog & de Meuron had in mind – to make it like part of the harbor and I find it worked out pretty well.
      Franzbrötchen is basically a larger korvapuusti, only that it's flat. It tastes practically the same.

  55. This is super informative and real breakdown of everything to see and do in Hamburg. I went to Berlin last year and now I think my return to Germany may have to be here.

  56. Wow, this post is so through and well detailed with all the useful travel information. You really covered all the interesting things in Hamburg and I'm def bookmarking this for future trips.
    xo Sheree
    Posh Classy Mom

  57. WOW! This is a very, very extensive guide to Hamburg. I don't think I have to do any additional research now. Munich and Berlin always come to my mind first when I think of traveling there, I didn't even know Hamburg was the second largest city. I'll have to add this to my list

    1. Oh yes, I'm known for very, very extensive guides – always try to offer the best service to my readers.
      Munich and Berlin – I guess these cities are coming to everybody's mind first; that's exactly why I wrote this post.
      Thank you so much for appreciating it!

  58. Such an informative read. I have visited numerous German cities previously but not yet been to Hamburg. We are back in Europe later in the year, will definitely have to look into visiting Hamburg then and following some of your tips!

    1. That's exactly why I wrote it: somehow Hamburg is off the travellers' radar, which I don't get since it has so much to offer and is so conveniently located. If you have any questions regarding your trip, keep in touch, guys!

  59. What a great post! So full of ideas for things to do and places to visit in Hamburg! I'm bookmarking for when I visit, which I hope will be soon.

  60. Wow, this is a very informative post about Hamburg! I have been to Germany several times for work, but never to this city. Sounds like a great place to visit! I love how you pointed out unique things to do and not just 'touristy' things. Thanks!

    1. There are many interesting places in Germany and the public transport system – trains, but also buses – is perfect, so you can do a lot even in a short time.

  61. I'd love to visit Hamburg, Germany one day. The river looks beautiful. Seems to have a lot of places to visit.

  62. I love Hamburg. Have visited some of the places already!
    Have to say that you have a nice photography selection. Makes me wanna buy a drone…

    1. Thank you, Alexander. But you did realize that most of the pics are from a database, right (note the credits)? I'm a better researcher and writer than photographer so from time to time I take the liberty to use press pix – according to their rules regarding copyright, of course!

    1. There is quite a lot to see, the distances between cities are rather short and there is a good public transport system, so it's really easy to travel.

  63. I've been to a bunch of different german cities, but not yet to Hamburg. I hope one day soon I can go and visit there — it looks STUNNING!!

    1. Big mistake, Emily, I'm sure you'd enjoy it. By train it's only 90 minutes from Berlin, 4 hours from Cologne, 6 from Munich….so maybe on your next trip?!

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